

A Tech-Econ Mashup with a Libertarian Flavor

Spotify vs. Pandora, and the Indecisive Listener

Tech geeks across the web have been wetting their collective pants in anticipation over the American release of Spotify. This up-and-coming free music-streaming service that blends the best of iTunes, iMeem, Grooveshark,, Pandora, and all the other popular music services. I however, remain unconvinced.

I’m stuck on Pandora because I dislike having to mess around with playlists. I like typing in a name and just letting the machine do its thing. Granted, sometimes Pandora gives me very odd choices (like Hanson on a station seeded with the Rolling Stones and STP, what??), but usually I just enjoy the passive listening experience. If I don’t like a song, I hit “next,” and let the algorithm decide for me.

I guess my inclination towards Pandora says more about me than it does about music streaming apps. It’s just that…  playlists require a level of decisiveness that I just don’t have when it comes to the little things in life. I use the “shuffle” and “random” settings on every music player I’ve ever had. I’m a go-where-life-takes-you kind of person, I suppose.

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